What am I doing?

My girlfriend will kick the shit out of you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Someone call the Mystery Machine

I had this really weird dream last night.

I was in my Hamilton house, cleaning my room, and I bumped into the wall. It made this eerie, hollow sound, so I knocked on it again. My room is in the basement, yet it sounded like there was something behind the wall, where there should be only dirt.

Scratching away the paint, I found the outline of a door.

Now, the time frame within the dream takes places when my old housemates still lived with me, so I called for Alex and Lisa (dunno where Allan was). We managed to pry open the door, revealing a long, dark stairwell descending down, deep within the bowels of the earth itself.

It was pitch black, so I pulled out my phone - there's a powerful flashlight built in - and we began our descent. Even with a flashlight, the darkness was overwhelming. Everything outside the light's purvey was black and opaque.

The stairs continued down, then made an abrupt turn, leading to another flight parallel to the first. We continued down three flights, stumbling in the utter, sheer darkness.

Finally, at the bottom, we found a door set into the wall. Carefully opening it, we discovered a narrow corridor, with doors stretching down every wall.

Opening the doors revealed nothing but blank brick walls. One door, however, proved otherwise, and we all entered...

Only to find a perfectly ordinary laundry/furnace room, perhaps a bit dusty, but otherwise, completely innocuous. Shelves lined the walls. We found a pile of clothes, which somehow contained all the clothes we've ever lost or given away. I found a pair of jeans that (in real life) I still have not been able to find.

And on the shelves were boxes of Scooby Doo fruit snacks. I kid you not.

Then I woke up, and went out into the living room, to find Alex and Lisa visiting for the day. Creepy, n'est pas? I told them about my dream, then remembered -wait- wasn't Lisa supposed to be at her cottage today?

Then I woke up again for real, looked up at my ceiling, and said "Dammit" out loud.

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