What am I doing?

My girlfriend will kick the shit out of you.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Love This Course

Ways I have mispronounced my class, "3SH3 Operating Systems Concepts"

3SX3 Operator Syntax Concierge
3 something it's got an M in it I think
The course with the dinosaurs
Operating fucking awesome shit
Prom Dress Salmonella
Systems of Operating Things
Fucking Impossible Concepts

The other day, someone asked me to 'step outside'. I assumed he meant that I should get some fresh air or play a rousing game of organized sports, but then he started hitting me, and I was crying and bleeding and wondering why we weren't playing soccer or something and I think I blacked out.

I really need to find a new school. My professor is sort of violent.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

End of Ze World

One day, parasites will learn to emulate delicious hamburgers and then we're all screwed.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Snack Mix

Justin says:
Justin says:
I fucking love snack mix.
Justin says:
It's got everything in it.
Justin says:
Like, I like pretzels
Justin says:
but not too many at once
Justin says:
Like, I'm not going to go out and buy a bag of rold gold, if you know what I mean.
Justin says:
Too many hard salty sticks isn't my thing. Maybe for Clay Aiken.
Justin says:
But man, fucking snack mix.
Justin says:
Love that shit.
Justin says:
It's got like, a million different things in it.
Justin says:
Even those ring-o's. Those things are so -fucking- delicious.
Justin says:
and not only that
Justin says:
You can put them on your fingers
Justin says:
and eat them off
Justin says:
That's versatility!
LISEASAUR - "But little did he know that you are made ENTIRELY OUT OF WIN" - Albatross says:
you are foolish
Justin says:
And wait, there's more
Justin says:
There's Doritos and Cheetos in there
Justin says:
Like, cheese. It's some powdered shit
Justin says:
but who cares?
Justin says:
I don't even like Doritos that much by themselves.
Justin says:
Like, my mom bought me this big bag of those 'fusion' ones.
Justin says:
Hot Wings and Blue Cheese
LISEASAUR - "But little did he know that you are made ENTIRELY OUT OF WIN" - Albatross says:
Justin says:
But you have to eat them together. Like, who eats wings without dip? A sad person, let me tell you.
Justin says:
And who eats dip by itself? That's pretty gross.
Justin says:
So you have to shove two fucking triangles in your mouth at the same time.
Justin says:
And you end up looking like a goddamn Ewok.